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Former CFPB #2 Opens Consulting Firm Focused on Consumer Finance

19 April 2013

What is the Definition of "Repeated or Continuous Contact" by a Debt Collector?

15 April 2013

CFPB in Action: A Roundup of Recent Activity - April 12, 2013

12 April 2013

Debt Collection Complaints Already Showing Up in CFPB Data

9 April 2013

New CFPB Guidelines: Don’t Lose Sight of the Basics

4 April 2013

American Banker Story Says it Will Lay Out How CFPB Exams Will Change the Debt Collection Industry

3 April 2013

CFPB Releases ALL the Consumer Complaint Data

29 March 2013

CFPB in Action: A Roundup of Recent Activity - March 27, 2013

27 March 2013

None of the Collectors that Faced FTC Actions Last Year are Larger Market Participants

26 March 2013

ACA International Comments on CFPB Report to Congress

26 March 2013

CFPB Releases Annual FDCPA Report to Congress After Active 2012

21 March 2013

FTC Director Discusses Federal Regulatory Limitations of FDCPA

20 March 2013

How About a Partnership with Fellow CFPB Supervisees from Other Industries?

19 March 2013

CFPB Leader Calls Debt Collector Examinations Preventive Rather than Reactive

18 March 2013

CFPB Proposes Rule to Supervise Nonbank Student Loan Servicers

18 March 2013

CFPB in Action: A Roundup of Activity Related to the CFPB -- March 13, 2013

13 March 2013

CFPB Director Cordray Pleading His Case in Senate Today

12 March 2013

Less than 50% of Debt Collection Complaints Easily Verified

11 March 2013

Big Banks Facing Investigation Over Debt Collection Account Information: Reuters

8 March 2013

FDCPA Reform: Sound and Fury?

6 March 2013